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Welcome to my blog! 

If you like nature, beauty, and strolling the local outdoor markets on the weekends, you have landed on the right page!

Here you will find my favorite recommendations, and tips for a healthier lifestyle.

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Meet Lisa

Hi, My name is Lisa, and I'm a Northeast Gal. 


Through the years shuffled back and forth across the Hudson from New York to New Jersey (don't judge). I'm now embarking on a new chapter living in the Hudson Valley and going back to my roots for a more balanced and organic life. However, I have to come clean about some vices. I have an obsession with skincare and overall beauty products, an unhealthy addiction to flavored coffee, and a desperate need for an intervention in my handbag consumption. Now that we got that out of the way, I feel more authentic already! Hey, It could be worse. It's not crack! 


As I start a new decade, I have left the hustle and bustle behind for a more authentic lifestyle such as Farmers Markets, and like-minded people, nature and friends, and family. 


I have worked in different careers throughout the years and meant many " Unique Characters" along the way (NYC will do that). My most rewarding experience was working in a small boutique educating clients and learning about skincare and make-up, which has come a long way over the years. 


I have many experiences to share, from my wide-eyed 20s in the 90s to the present decade. My intention for my blog is to showcase what I have discovered throughout the years; also to share new things I have learned and loved. 


Chao for now... 

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About Me

Hi My name is Lisa, and I'm a Northeast Gal. 


Through the years shuffled back and forth across the Hudson from New York to New Jersey (don't judge). I'm now embarking on a new chapter living in the Hudson Valley back to my roots for a more balanced and organic life...


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